The Parents Council is a group of leadership donor families who, in addition to their philanthropic support, actively engage in the life of the University through a wide range of volunteer opportunities, including: volunteering their time for admissions programs, providing access to internships and career guidance, make welcome calls to incoming families, as well as attend and host events.
“We joined Parents Council to have a better understanding of the ongoing vision of the University as it relates to the student experience. We have seen through our involvement how we, as parents, can meaningfully impact the quality of education and enhance the collegiate experience for not just our own children, but their fellow students. We appreciate the personal touch Parents Council offers to us as parents of current students. We enjoy connecting and collaborating with other parents, sharing experiences and information, and hearing from University Leadership on a regular basis. Parents Council creates a warm, constructive environment that lends itself to constant improvement and Rochester motto “Meliora,” which means “ever better.”
We warmly invite you to join us and other Rochester parents, who share our vision for an ever-growing Rochester education, to become members of the Parents Council and the George Eastman Circle.
-Beth and Ivan Orup P’22, P’25”